Considering civil, road, and urban services machineries produced by Hamed High-Techs Company, very advanced full-automatic multipurpose roads marking and painting machines of eXtreme series was especially designed and produced for massive painting and marking operations in roads and Cities. High efficiency, high operation speed, low weight and volume of the system, nonuse of compressed air in paint spray, significant reduction of paint wastes, high paint spray pressure, long life and durability of paint, smart control system, easy application and maintenance, reasonable price and use of the best and high quality parts in producing of the machine are regarded as advantages distinguishing it from other available products and making it capable to compete with other products considering quality, efficiency, and price. The machines are generally consisted of following parts:
Frame system installable on trailer chassis:
It includes sunshade, seat for the second operator, wide LED scrolling messages and warning sign boards, conical signs storage, protective nets, LED light projector and alarm rotating lights all designed and produced in this company.
Paint pumping system
Contrary to commercial roads marking systems using compressed air for paint spray, roads marking and painting machineries produced in this company use modern digitally controlled airless paint pumping system with mechanical or hydraulic drive (customized). The system is equipped to several stages of paint filtration in order to prevent pollutions into the paint system as possible. Advantages of this modern system are as follows:
- High flow rate of the pumped paint (from 15 L/min in mechanical drive system to 30 L/min in hydraulic drive system) leading to more quick road marking up to 40km per hour
- Very high pressure of paint spray (up to 280 Bar) leading to high quality and more durability of paint and eliminates the need to initial cleaning of surfaces
- Capability of spraying kinds of water-based and solvent-based as well as high viscosity paints
Hydraulic system
To supply hydraulic needs of the system and possibility of using hydraulic accessories, hydraulic drive system, pump, tank have been anticipated in the machine. Producing high pressure and flow rate of hydraulic flow, the system is capable to fulfill operational needs in addition to installation of hydraulic mixers of the machine.
Paint and solvent storage system
The tanks are supplied in the capacities of 1 and 2 tones (customized). To mix the paint, hydraulic, pneumatic or electric mixers are provided based on the customers’ request. A special pump may be provided in order to transfer paint from barrel to tank of the machine.
Paint spray system (spray guns)
In this machine, spray guns have been installed which can be used simultaneously. The spray guns of this machine are airless with double application. They are opened and closed by electro-pneumatic system in automatic application and they are manually used when marking of signs and messages or painting of curbs and installations when required. Also, these spray guns are equipped to a separate paint filtration system. Width and thickness of paint spray respectively varies from 6-30 cm and 100-1500 micron in every spray gun.
Electronic control system
The company is proud to design and produce the most advanced and various electronic control systems for road marking machines. The products are certainly of the most advanced available systems. The computers are found with different capabilities and prices and can precisely control up to eight spray guns simultaneously. Additionally, the system includes motion sensors. Guidance Laser system is installed, if customized. To improve monitoring, closed-circuit television (CCTV) system is also provided on the machine.
Glass bead spray system
Full glass bead spray system is provided on these machines with capacity up to 1 tons.